Big tongue logging on

By Anonymous - 09/09/2020 23:01 - United States - Norwich

Today, I spent seven dollars to find out I’m allergic to kiwi. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 093
You deserved it 171

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What an odd amount! Did you buy an expensive kiwi or did you have a Groupon for a cheap allergist?

Could be worse, some people go their whole lives thinking "itchy" is a flavor.


Are you also allergic to papaya, avocado, banana, passion fruit, fig, melon, mango, pineapple, peach, and tomatoes?

lovinglife2015 18

I’m allergic to kiwi as well. But none of those others. I’m also allergic to goats milk

What an odd amount! Did you buy an expensive kiwi or did you have a Groupon for a cheap allergist?

Could be worse, some people go their whole lives thinking "itchy" is a flavor.

pretty cheap tbh it's usually an expensive visit with an allergist, or an epi pen

I feel you my friend. I tested allergic to bananas so I didn’t have a banana for 10 years and then I had my allergies retested and it said I wasn’t allergic to banana. So I went out and got a couple bananas. Well, I started getting sores in my mouth my mouth started itching so that made me very sad.

Demitrius 12

I mean I guess that’s worth it right?

I started breaking out with a mysterious rash a few months ago. my wife said it was probably all the craft beer I was drinking. I said I guess I'll be rashy forever then. turns out it wasn't the beer

Either you found an incredibly kind doctor who let you pay $7 to be tested, or you already had the medication to hand for some reason, and bought a really expensive kiwi.

lovinglife2015 18

I am allergic to kiwi as well!!! I’ve never seen/know/ read of anyone else being allergic too it as well