Be more specific

By readytoamputatemyfeet - 30/06/2013 23:00 - United States - Winter Springs

Today, my shoe fell apart a few minutes after I got to work. I called my boyfriend and asked him to bring me the "pretty black pair" in my closet. What did he bring? Black stilettos. I'm a waitress with an eight-hour shift. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 547
You deserved it 32 175

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess if you say 'pretty black pair' it makes your boyfriend think of a shoe like that. Maybe just say 'black pair' next time.

ShadowBox 8

At least they were YOUR stilettos, right?


At least he brought a working pair of shoes for you!

MistsMoon 15

Okay, really? You shouldn't have had expectations that high. He's a guy. At least he tried, which is sweet, but next time you either need to spell it out for him - draw a picture if necessary - or ask someone else. YDI.

He's a bloke, we don't know what all the woman talk means. I would have done the same and I am sure all the other gentlemen here would have too.

Never ask your bf to find/get you things because you will always be surprise with what they will find

caitlinbblack 14

Sounds like he got the pretty black ones.

If you had been a bit more specific, this would not have happened.

What did you expect? He's a GUY! YDI for not spelling it out.

He's a dude, to him pretty shoes means heels. You have to be more specific.

Communication is key in a relationship!