Left hanging

By Anonymous - 28/09/2020 19:01 - United Kingdom

Today, I was at work, and I had to tell my manager I was calling someone to bring me a bra as mine had broken mid-shift. I was the only woman on shift. It took them 30 minutes to show up and I still had to serve front of house while I waited. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 324
You deserved it 243

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So, in that half hour, how big were the ****? Wait! I meant "tips!" Oh, Auto-Correct, you nasty!

Nice of you to provide dinner and a show!


Nice of you to provide dinner and a show!

So, in that half hour, how big were the ****? Wait! I meant "tips!" Oh, Auto-Correct, you nasty!

I imagine the right one was hanging too?

Manager was probably seeing $$$. Oh your bra snapped? Front of the restaurant for you! In reality though, that must have been embarrassing for you.

Gave ‘em the breast service you can give—err, I mean best...

leximichelle 13

How did your bra randomly break in the middle of a shift? Assuming you have other bras, you’d probably notice if that particular one was on its way out. Sports bras don’t have that problem. I suggest you make the switch.

I suggest you educate yourself before you speak nonsense.

tbh I question this as well... I have NEVER had a bra just randomly break... sucks to be her but... pay attention to the wear and tear on your clothing