Be more specific

By readytoamputatemyfeet - 30/06/2013 23:00 - United States - Winter Springs

Today, my shoe fell apart a few minutes after I got to work. I called my boyfriend and asked him to bring me the "pretty black pair" in my closet. What did he bring? Black stilettos. I'm a waitress with an eight-hour shift. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 547
You deserved it 32 175

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess if you say 'pretty black pair' it makes your boyfriend think of a shoe like that. Maybe just say 'black pair' next time.

ShadowBox 8

At least they were YOUR stilettos, right?


Next time you should be more specific! But hey he listened and got you pretty black shoes

FYL indeed, but you should have been more specific for your own sake

Well you should've been more specific . . .

My wife wears very tall heels almost exclusively because she is short. So of she had made the same request I would have brought high heels. You want flats, you need to ask for flats. A large number of women wear heels daily, even waitresses. If you wear only heels then flats actually hurt.

a bit more specific, its not that hard to do.

I think I speak for all guys when saying this; "Pretty black pair" can mean literally any black shoe a woman has. Unless she only has one pair.

YDI for not being more specific, but I feel for your poor feet. Long waiting shifts are already hard on your feet. I can't imagine trying to get through it in stilettos.

YDI for not wording it differently/ being more specific. 'Pretty black pair of shoes' makes me think of fancy heels, so I don't blame your boyfriend at all!

TheyCallMeDamien 17

You don't send a man to do a woman's job. You must be specific my dear.