Be more specific

By readytoamputatemyfeet - 30/06/2013 23:00 - United States - Winter Springs

Today, my shoe fell apart a few minutes after I got to work. I called my boyfriend and asked him to bring me the "pretty black pair" in my closet. What did he bring? Black stilettos. I'm a waitress with an eight-hour shift. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 547
You deserved it 32 175

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess if you say 'pretty black pair' it makes your boyfriend think of a shoe like that. Maybe just say 'black pair' next time.

ShadowBox 8

At least they were YOUR stilettos, right?


Maybe you should have been more specific. You know how shoes all look the same to guys, unless they're gay lol

jw90 18

Be more specific next time?

What if OP works at an old people's diner. Old men will be face down in their soup from heart attacks after seeing OP in dem heels!

killer6969 16

What's an Old people diner?

AboveAll04 14

so you wear your stilettos for like five minutes so I'm guessing that's how long it takes him to bust?? because if you have them you should definitely be able to pull out an 8 hour shift with no problem.

No. After at least half an hour of wearing stilettos my feet are mushed to shit. I couldn't bear 8 hours of wearing them when you can't even sit down. They're also very bad for your feet and their work may condemn it as it can be dangerous and if you wobble, people's food and drink will be gone. 5 minutes is also very different to 8 hours.

AboveAll04 14

my point exactly if you can't wear them that long shouldn't own them.. because then you only bought them to wear for five ten minutes so your boyfriend can get all excited

Or they were purchased for a specific event and discarded in the back of the closet, never to be worn again. I know I have a pair of stilettos that I never did wear a second time after my sister's wedding, and I couldn't stand in them for two hours, much less eight.

A lot of women have heels they can't wear for eight hours. Usually they're for an event like a wedding where they only wear them for max like 4 hours, unless you have major bucks to spend on high end heels that are comfortable enough to wear for a full day

Korosuhito 26

Unless you wear heels on an almost daily basis, they can be quite uncomfortable to wear for an extended period of time, especially if you are on your feet all day or the shoes are new and haven't been 'broken in' yet.

have you been a server before? there's no way in hell you could pull off an 8hr shift in stilettos with ease.

Chellybelly92 14

Seriously? Unless you have a desk job, you cannot pull an right hour shift in high heels. Especially as a waitress where the floors can be slippery and what not.

My sister insisted everyone wear heels for her wedding and then didn't understand why all her bridesmaids were barefoot by the end of the night. She wears heels daily, and purchases the nice, expensive pairs. The shoes we were forced to wear were cheap. She had a four hour ceremony, then insisted we take pictures for two hours. We just about died and halfway through the service we were out of the heels.

Come on, OP. With guys like that, you have to be a bit more specific.

I think probably with all guys you should be more specific. How do you know what "type" of guy OP's boyfriend is really?

I only called OP's boyfriend a certain type of guy so I didn't generalize all guys.

Actually you did. You said "with guys like that".... Which means you were referring to other guys not just OPs boyfriend.

my boyfriend would have done the exact same thing lol

Pretty black pair ????, I would have done the same :)

Wizzlbang 10

Make him give you a massage when you get home, obviously. And if he's bad at it, make him take a chiropracting class.

Wow...seriously? Great mentality you have there.

SleeplessBeauty 12

Your boyfriend brought what was "pretty" to him. Only gay men understand shoes.

That's completely false... There are sneakerheads as well men that aren't completely disconnected from the understanding of footwear.

Korosuhito 26

And only fools make such broad generalisations.

wow you are stupid, but so is he for not thinking about her having to walk all day. he shoulda brought her flats or something and been like sorry if i got the wrong pair. anything is better than heels when you are walking that much...