Barely legal

By Anonymous - 16/01/2023 13:00 - South Africa

Today, I recently got into a relationship with a 15 year-old. I’m 17. All my friends are calling me a pedo. Am I the only one that doesn’t think the age gap is weird? FML
I agree, your life sucks 931
You deserved it 418

Same thing different taste

Top comments

2 year difference isn't bad. Maybe wait till your older before you do sexual activity. Also, get some new friends. No friend is gonna call me a pedo and be associated with me.

maskedangel 11


maskedangel 11

2 year difference isn't bad. Maybe wait till your older before you do sexual activity. Also, get some new friends. No friend is gonna call me a pedo and be associated with me.

I see you're from South Africa and can't think of anything but how weirdly you people say the word "weird." It's weird!

According to Elon Musk, calling someone "pedo guy" is not a big deal in South Africa and "is used to insult a person's appearance and demeanor, not accuse a person of acts of pedophilia". Still sucks to hear it, I suppose.

As long as you don't break any laws it's fine. Girls tend to grow up a bit faster than boys so 15yo girls generally tend to find 15yo boys still a bit yuk. If you were 18+ it would be a bit icky but 17? Nah, you're good, as long as you remember that statutory rape laws are a thing... You might want to look into getting slightly more mature mates though.

I would check the age of consent where you are. If you turn 18 you're an adult. If she's still 15, it could be a problem

when you're both in highschool you don't mind but when you're out and she's not suddenly you care a lot more. spoiler alert: you're 17 it doesn't matter

Vesi 29

Um.. if your girlfriend has adult body parts, that is not pedophilia and you need to find better friends.

TeaTimeAbyss 20

Very much not how this works. The age difference makes it not pedophilia. Your comment should put you on a list.

Vesi 29

OK try this: go to google dot com Type in these words: Define Pedophilia Hit Enter and read the definition Then type in these words: Define Hebephilia Hit Enter and read the definition Yes, a 17 year old CAN be one or the other. IF OPs girlfriend does not fit into either category (noting the PHYSICAL appearances in the definitions) then OP is BY DEFINITION not a pedophile. Their ages have nothing whatsoever to do with what his friends are saying. So yes, that IS how this works.

"Pedo" is the wrong word here, but at your partner's age, two years is a big enough difference to violate the creepiness formula. Take the older person's age, divide by two, and add seven years. Dating or making a move on someone younger than that can be seen as creepy. That doesn't necessarily make it wrong, especially if the younger person made the first move and you're both in similar life circumstances (e.g., whether you live with parents or on your own). But yeah, people are going to see 15 and 17 as creepy, where in a year, 16 and 18 will be more acceptable.

Meh so your like a senior in HS dating a junior. Seems fine to me but you may want to look into how flexible your states rules are on that. Would really suck if you ended up with a record because of the state and month you're in.