By sleekRelease - 11/06/2019 04:00

Today, I was expecting an important delivery for a party I'm having tonight. I was in the shower when the doorbell rang. In my haste, I slipped and ended up with a bunch of little cuts and bruises. Turns out, it was someone trying to leave a note saying it would be delivered tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 733
You deserved it 192

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't they do delivery tracking where you live? Why is someone physically going to your house to tell you your delivery was delayed?

Was it one of those BDSM fetish parties where the party favors are Neosporin and ice packs? I have an irony fetish!😂😂😂


Was it one of those BDSM fetish parties where the party favors are Neosporin and ice packs? I have an irony fetish!😂😂😂

Don't they do delivery tracking where you live? Why is someone physically going to your house to tell you your delivery was delayed?

They probably came to deliver it, but left a note because nobody answered the door.

Almost same thing happened to my granddaughter, she slipped on the stairs and twisted her ankle.

Sounds strange that they would ring the door bell for just saying the package would be delivered the next day 🤔

Wait. You're saying that the delivery people came to your house to leave a note that they weren't going to deliver??? I can't say what I want because we're not allowed.