Bad timing

By kellym - 22/04/2009 03:24 - Canada

Today, I called my husband and he told me that he was going to invite his friend Jeff over that night. I told him I would prefer that he didn't come over. He took it to mean that I wanted to spend time with him and came home with flowers. Then had to tell him I was leaving him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 620
You deserved it 158 115

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FHL indeed. hate to tell you this, but the world does NOT revolve around you. and from the sound of it, you leaving him is the best thing you can do for him :P


BCLx01 0

#11 I'm not sure how pissing everywhere would help the situation, but nice thought lol.

FreedomFirst 0

If he was that interested in spending time with you, why are you leaving? Good point though, #136.

dudes. theres may be a reason to leave him... seriously... dont be so quick to judge.. she could have done something bitchy or he could have been the cause and or maybe its both their faults. its obviously really hard for her to do so it definatly is grounds for an FML/FHL.

your a bitch end of story go **** urself

People who defend the OP and see this as an FML mustn't realise that the OP simply could have WAITED a couple of days and found the right moment before breaking up, especially when they're both married. If they're in a situation where the husband comes home looking forward to a night together with flowers, I'm sure that the two of them could have tried to sort things out before immediately resorting to divorce. Don't **** his life, or your life, just **** you.

whatstheproblem 0

The comments you people put on here ruin this website. why do you people feel the need to explain to us what this woman is trying to say. its gay. no one cares

Yea FYL because you just lost one of the few guys who actually care. And not so much FHL cuz now maybe he will find someone that appreciates him.