Bad timing

By Proprepourtant - 16/04/2011 11:28 - France

Today, I gave my boyfriend a blowjob for the first time. This is the moment he chooses to exclaim, "Wow, you really do have a lot of dandruff!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 946
You deserved it 12 574

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TraceCase_ 19

Guess the next time he's looking for a BJ, you're gonna be busy washing your hair. Seriously though...try some Head and Shoulders

a_cassie 4


shaniecerb 0

keep your head where it belongs

Use head and shoulders, and never give him a bj again! Seriously! :/

why the he'll would you tell people you gave him a *******....?

Because no one knows or cares who the **** she is. Get with it, kid.

scotchnacid 4
fleck13 0

hey 16 wanna remake this girls first bj but take out the flakes;)

maybe it was an excuse to get out of the *******.. maybe it sucked