Bad omen

By Anonymous - 14/09/2010 02:56 - United States

Today, I had a conference with my dad, my counselor, and my history and English teachers because my dad was "concerned" about my grades in those two classes. We talked for a while and it was going well, then my counselor asked what I wanted to study in college. I said I wanted to be a teacher. He laughed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 812
You deserved it 4 673

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh well. If it's what you really want to do don't let people discourage you.

Being a dick is fun and rewarding. Being a teacher isn't.


that's what my teacher did. he laughed. I laughed along :)

don't worry statistics show that most of the people that want to study education didn't do that well in school either way. take it from me, I had low grades and now I'm in my first year of teaching and it's going great. many times it helps u be a better teacher

JokeMeister 0

Don't let them discourage you. As long as you aren't FAILING, you should still be able to get into teaching college. Just be sure to learn to teach a subject you like and are relatively good at, as it's no fun playing catch up along with your students! (I had to teach a math class--something I am neither trained in or skilled at. I actually ended up doing okay, but I was studying more than my kids!) Teaching is low pay and even lower respect a lot of the time. Be sure you really want to do it.

**** that guy. He doesn't know you. And **** anyone else who feels the need to chime in with their negative opinion about what YOU want to do with YOUR life.

daisiebud 18

i get you :( my grades have always been awful because of my ADHD and social anxiety, and while my family is respectful of me wanting to be a teacher, they don't think i can do it. they think i'm crazy.