Thanks, I guess…

By Anonymous - 14/04/2024 15:00 - United States

Today, my dad brought home a used hunk of junk from someone he knew. It was covered in rust and dents, and the engine was making weird noises. Thinking he was being generous, he said to me, "When you get your license, you'll be driving it!" It then died with a loud bang and black smoke from under the hood. FML
I agree, your life sucks 435
You deserved it 89

Same thing different taste

Top comments

d j mom 6

so tell him ' aww thanks dad. but have fun driving it after you fix it up'. then save up to buy your own.

tiptoppc 19

It’s his new shootin’ car. 15 more payments and then it’s really his!


Buy your own car. it's what the rest of us did

d j mom 6

so tell him ' aww thanks dad. but have fun driving it after you fix it up'. then save up to buy your own.

Looks like you won't be driving it after all!

tiptoppc 19

It’s his new shootin’ car. 15 more payments and then it’s really his!