Bad day, huh?

By evenpoorer - 16/03/2010 05:19 - United States

Today, I was excited to start my new job. It was only when I was leaving after a long 8-hour day did I realize all of the personal documents I had I brought in for paperwork had been stolen. I'm now down a passport, social security card, and wallet. Great first day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 003
You deserved it 3 570

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ajjas013 6

You can start a fresh life, change your name, and move to a distant town. You can work on someone else's ranch and feed off their income and at the same time remain incogneto... Unless they stole your green card. Then you're ******.

Your next day is going to be worst. Especially when the identity theft kicks in and your credit score drops to 5.


OriginalPooh01 0

YDI for being a badass. Karma is coming for you. >:D

That's terrible! Tell your boss and have the company find out who it was for you.