Bad day, huh?

By evenpoorer - 16/03/2010 05:19 - United States

Today, I was excited to start my new job. It was only when I was leaving after a long 8-hour day did I realize all of the personal documents I had I brought in for paperwork had been stolen. I'm now down a passport, social security card, and wallet. Great first day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 003
You deserved it 3 570

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ajjas013 6

You can start a fresh life, change your name, and move to a distant town. You can work on someone else's ranch and feed off their income and at the same time remain incogneto... Unless they stole your green card. Then you're ******.

Your next day is going to be worst. Especially when the identity theft kicks in and your credit score drops to 5.


Have even half of you ever had a job before or are we all under 14 here? -An employer is required BY LAW to use the actual documents to fill out paperwork to show that you are legally able to be employed in the US. They CANNOT and SHOULD NOT ever accept copies as copies can be easily altered. -Not all places of employment offer a place to secure your personal belongings, not everyone carries their purse to work with them and not all people drive themselves to work. Combined all of these things mean that there may not have been an appropriate place for her to leave these types of items. -We do not know if she left them sitting out or if her boss did, so why do we immediately blame her? Many times when I've began a new job I was not standing right next to my boss as they made copies of my documents and filled out the paper work, sometimes they have to go into areas where regular employees are not even allowed to enter in order to gain access to a copy machine or personal files. -Anyone who thinks the green card jokes are funny has no common sense. Someone with a green card would not have a social security card as they are NOT A CITIZEN. Only citizens are included in social security. The only thing that is questionable is that they say they lost their wallet as well... there is no reason to leave your wallet with your boss to fill out paperwork and if you must leave it laying around at work you should really try to find a damn good hiding place or ask a manager to lock it in a safe or in their desk for you.

WTFsGoingOn... do you personally know anyone with a greencard? if you did you would know that yes, they do receive a social security card. i know because my mother, who is a german citizen, has a green card and also has a social security number. how else would the IRS identify her and have her pay taxes? maybe its different for other countries, but i dont think it is.

hhhhhhh7 0

8 hours is not a long workday, you pansy.

I refused to leave my last bosses' office until she was done with my documents for this exact reason. she understood completely and fyck them igmf they don't. that's shady.

martic835 2

I remember when I started my job and my manager wanted me to leave my purse in the personnel office that ANYONE (even customers) can walk into. I refused. Never leave important documents out of your sight.

and you get to do it all over again tomorrow. life's great ain't it?