
By Anonymous - 08/07/2021 05:59

Today, I watched as a bin man picked up and threw into his truck the bag I foolishly left a few metres from a public bin before I got on the train. That bag contained every document that proves my identity for my new job, my driver's licence, birth certificate, passport, oh and my wallet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 417
You deserved it 1 423

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jon Tessler 14

and you didn't think to go stop him?

DoctorPALO 14

Why would you be carrying your wallet and ID in a garbage bag?


Jon Tessler 14

and you didn't think to go stop him?

Jeremy Strang 7

This tale is told by a man who sadly has no mouth with which to call out, and no legs with which to carry himself towards the bin man. A real tragedy.

toodamntall 9

I think what OP is implying is that they were already on the train (and possibly departing) when they realised/saw what happened.

DoctorPALO 14

Why would you be carrying your wallet and ID in a garbage bag?

Hit the emergency stop, and run after him?

Guess they weren't that important to you. If I had all of those in a bag, you wouldn't have been able to pry it from my hands with a CROWBAR.