Baby shark

By Lordofdance - 13/10/2017 16:00

Today, the only way my newborn sleeps is if I dance around with him strapped to me. Six hours and counting. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 913
You deserved it 483

Same thing different taste

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A newborn is going to cry to get what they want whether or not they need it or should have it. If you put him down and let him cry, he will sleep. Given time, he will learn to sleep when put down to sleep. Or, you can keep carrying him for hours at a time and he'll learn to demand that you do that by crying.

Host a headphone dance party, and pass the baby around for other people to dance with.


You will sleep when your dead. Plus all the dancing with the baby strapped to you is a good work out. Next time have twins and you can have one on the front and back

If the only way he can sleep is upright (I think the dancing might just be an extra), he may have belly pains. Too much gas, something you ate (if you are nursing) or the formula doesn't agree with him. I had this problem with 2 of mine and when I cut dairy out of my diet, they started sleeping better

Or maybe the baby just screams a lot. I once went 2 days without eating or sleeping and it pissed me off that my MIL suggested it was something I ate. My (now 19) year old daughter was colicky all the time even after going through several prescription formulas and she only slept more than 2 hours if she was in a swing. Much later she was diagnosed as being on the Autism spectrum. Lots of people with levels of autism have digestive issues when they are small. No pregnancy books tell you how to deal with that.

Invest in a sound machine. We had one with wave sounds for our twins and it really helped them. There are ones with heartbeat sounds, waves, water falling, etc. The constant noise helps them sleep.

You may need to strap the baby into the carseat for the first few months--it's also supposed to help prevent SIDS if you keep them sleeping upright, too. If that fails, settling them on your chest and sitting in a rocking chair might work better than dancing.