
By Anonymous - 24/11/2021 05:01

Today, my newborn daughter has kept me up all day and all night for the past few days. Usually my husband sleeps. I finally cracked and yelled for his help, only for him to scream at me that he needs sleep and gives her to me anyway. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 260
You deserved it 219

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You need a serious conversation with your husband. As a dad, it is part of his job to take care of his daughter. As a husband, it is part of his job to take care of you. As a man, it is part of the job to be someone you can rely on and who cares about others.

You need your sleep as well, not just him. He is the dad, he has his part of responsability.


You need a serious conversation with your husband. As a dad, it is part of his job to take care of his daughter. As a husband, it is part of his job to take care of you. As a man, it is part of the job to be someone you can rely on and who cares about others.

You need your sleep as well, not just him. He is the dad, he has his part of responsability.

It’s depends on if you stay at home with the kids and don’t work. If I stayed at home I wouldn’t wake up my husband to take care of our kid I would just want home to help during the day when he’s home.

So she takes care of the kids all day and then all night as well, while he only works during the day? What kind of sense does that make?

anonymousss. 1
heliosphere 1

By by husband? Hello single parenthood? Bad idea. Can’t throw away everything that makes you mad. Maybe have a convo and not snap and yell to communicate.