
By hungryman - 14/07/2009 21:10 - Canada

Today, my girlfriend's mom pulled me aside and started telling me about how her daughter was extremely depressed and suicidal before she met me, and how happy her family is because of me. I was planning on breaking up with her within the next week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 651
You deserved it 9 104

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow...That's a mind **** for sure. The fact that you thought about it tells me you are a good person. You have to do what's best for you though. You can keep her as a friend and support her.

You can't be responsible for someone else's happiness. Don't be in the relationship if you don't want to. Sucks, but that's life.


crookedteeth 0

If you are gonna break up with her for a valid reason then do it. But try to work things out? Poor girl!

she is probably just doing it to either control you/manipulate you or for attention, yes people do use it as an attention getter, its funny how it works, usually the kids who are suicidal don't talk about it, the ones that do are just doing it for sympathy or so people will talk to them, its not that uncommon that people use something such as suicide or drugs/alcohol to get attention from others. I'd say break up with her, I had an ex do the same thing to me "if you ever left me I would kill myself" or the "before you came along I wanted to kill myself, but now that your here, I don't" in some respects its to make it look like they are so happy with you that they think "oh maybe if I tell them if they left I would die that might make them go hmmm he really loves me" some people are just weird in expressing there emotions. besides you don't need that kind of drama in your life if thats the case.

I agree with you, but this girl is probably legit. After all, SHE DIDN'T tell anyone about it, her mom did. Even still, a fake relationship isn't healthy for either of them.

tough call.. id hate to be in your shoes

ccyto, I was in a relationship a lot like this. It was extremely emotionally draining and led me to almost snap. The funny part is, I'm not kidding about that last part. @OP: Dump her. NOW. The one that did it to me threatened the same thing and never did it. In fact, she got another boyfriend not even 2 days later. So much for being so in LOOOOVE with me.

If you don't like her anymore, then you should break up with her. In my oppinion, i'd rather be with someone who actually likes me, not because they feel sorry for me. Let her down easy and tell her how great she; tell her you know she'll find someone better and he'd be real lucky to have her and that you hope you guys can still be good friends. Oh, and if she really likes you then she'd do anything for you right? Ask her to promise you one thing.. not to do anything stupid while you're gone. But like you said, shes changed. Who knows, maybe she won't go back to the way she was before she met you. Good luck though :)

chocoLIFE_fml 2

Rule #1 of a breakup. As much as you WANT to care you put yourself first. Its not your job after that to take care of their happiness. We can all hope she'll pull through but it really should be her, or her family to seek help for her.

lovebear884 0

Don't break up with someone because of guilt.

nightmare22 0

Well if she really wanted to kill herself don't you think she would have done it before going out with you i say follow your heart make your decision and dont look back.

Why should we pity you? You're an asshole that doesn't want anything good in his life.

On what grounds do you base that assumption ?

rayrayy_fml 0

Ah, so you know them both personally, do you? And she's a real winner? And he's a complete douche for wanting to be just as "happy" as her, right? Thank God you were here, we were all under the misconception that people like you were retarded. Thanks for clarifying.