Follow up?

By Anonymous - 10/12/2022 03:00

Today, against my better judgement, I gave in and let my daughter go to the family Christmas party, due to the fact that the sister I cut contact with caught COVID and said she wouldn't be there. Guess who turned up? FML
I agree, your life sucks 809
You deserved it 222

Same thing different taste

Top comments

1) COVID 2) Christian Pulisic's ******** 3) Karen Kardashian (the lost K) I hope I win!!!

I assume since you expressed it the way you did that you didn’t go but daughter did? That implies to me that daughter is probably old enough to decide what family gatherings she want to go to… It’s fine if you want to cut your sister out of your life for whatever reasons you have. But it’s not acceptable to expect your daughter to want to do that too unless your sister (her aunt) is an actual danger to your daughter. Keep the family drama to yourself instead of expecting everyone around you to act exactly like you… My mom has wasted most of her life on and off feuding with her younger sister. It was a complete waste of time and effort. They can both be a bit over-dramatic at times but each is basically a good person. My wife has done the same with her one and only sibling, her older sister - That’s another waste of effort and time. Keep your feuding to yourself. It’s bad enough to waste so much time and effort on something like this - For God’s sake don’t waste others time and effort on this. Nobody says you have to spend time with someone you really don’t like, family or not. What’s over the top is to expect those around you to carry that attitude.


1) COVID 2) Christian Pulisic's ******** 3) Karen Kardashian (the lost K) I hope I win!!!

I assume since you expressed it the way you did that you didn’t go but daughter did? That implies to me that daughter is probably old enough to decide what family gatherings she want to go to… It’s fine if you want to cut your sister out of your life for whatever reasons you have. But it’s not acceptable to expect your daughter to want to do that too unless your sister (her aunt) is an actual danger to your daughter. Keep the family drama to yourself instead of expecting everyone around you to act exactly like you… My mom has wasted most of her life on and off feuding with her younger sister. It was a complete waste of time and effort. They can both be a bit over-dramatic at times but each is basically a good person. My wife has done the same with her one and only sibling, her older sister - That’s another waste of effort and time. Keep your feuding to yourself. It’s bad enough to waste so much time and effort on something like this - For God’s sake don’t waste others time and effort on this. Nobody says you have to spend time with someone you really don’t like, family or not. What’s over the top is to expect those around you to carry that attitude.

If the dreaded aunt shows up with Covid, she is a real danger. The daughter could be infected, not show any symptoms, and pass it to her mom who will be sick as a dog who ate chocolate.

That was definitely to get you out of the picture.