Asshat clients

By Anonymous - 14/08/2022 04:00 - United States - Poughkeepsie

Today, an angry client emailed me at 6 a.m. about equipment for his house that's back ordered from the manufacturer until 2023. He knows we can't do anything about it and he won't let us change brands. For the next 3 hours, he sent emails, texts & voice mails, all increasingly angry since I'm "ignoring" him. It's Saturday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 858
You deserved it 91

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dump him and blacklist him among the other contractors in the area. The customer is not always right.

Refund his money and cancel his order, and explain that you won't be doing business with him anymore because of the way he's treating you and your employees. A small number of customers cause the vast majority of headaches.


Dump him and blacklist him among the other contractors in the area. The customer is not always right.

Refund his money and cancel his order, and explain that you won't be doing business with him anymore because of the way he's treating you and your employees. A small number of customers cause the vast majority of headaches.