Pig in shit

By Anonymous - 18/10/2021 14:00

Today, after leaving for a two-week-trip, and thinking this time my mom would finally have no choice but to clean the dirty toilet herself for once, because I’ve been doing it the entire year, along with most other chores, I think you can guess what I did first thing upon my return. FML
I agree, your life sucks 864
You deserved it 138

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sometimes staying with family isn’t based on affordability, especially if the family member is ill or unable to properly care for themselves

If you can afford to take a two week trip, you can afford to move into your own place.


Giving her the wonderful gifts you brought back for her?

If you can afford to take a two week trip, you can afford to move into your own place.

Sometimes staying with family isn’t based on affordability, especially if the family member is ill or unable to properly care for themselves

That may be true, but family or not, I’m not living with anyone who doesn’t or won’t clean the toilet. I had a chance to live with my mother in law when she was ill, but refused because of how nasty she was when it came to cleanliness, and it had nothing to do with her being unable to clean due to illness either.

Why would you expect anyone to change just because you're leaving? If they're not cleaning because you're there, don't expect it to be obvious for them to clean when you're not. You're going to have to use your words.

phybreawptic 13

Finished the sentence you started when you left?