Asking for it

By Anonymous - 28/05/2020 17:00

Today, my crush and I were talking about hypothetical situations. I told her, "I love you hypothetically." She said, "I love me too." I even got rejected hypothetically. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 221
You deserved it 686

Same thing different taste

Top comments

idris red 6
tounces7 27

And that's when you realize your crush is a narcissist and run.


Looks like your Gaydar blipped on a bogey.

idris red 6
ojoRojo 27

She’s just not that into you. Time to move on!

Leave her bro, stays as friends but move on

tounces7 27

And that's when you realize your crush is a narcissist and run.

That mostly sound like a normal response to a joking conversation. You told her you loved her « maybe », well she could turn the situation serious and say that she loved you too, but all the pressure would be on her..... in this situation i would have joked too if i wasn’t sure of you announcement (and you did say « hypothetically « )