It's Cat-Dog!

By Deceptive Dog 1242 - 23/08/2018 14:30 - United States

Today, I pulled something out of my tiny 6 month old puppy's mouth, thinking it was a cord that he had gotten a hold of. As it turns out, it was a baby mouse he had caught and killed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 412
You deserved it 281

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dog did dog thing. What other natural behaviors surprise you? "Holy crap, that guy just made a really weird noise with his ass!" "You mean he farted?" "What's 'farted'?"


Dog did dog thing. What other natural behaviors surprise you? "Holy crap, that guy just made a really weird noise with his ass!" "You mean he farted?" "What's 'farted'?"

blightsight 10

Did your dog also lick its balls?

boopingsnoot 24

Yorkies and several other small breeds were bred to hunt mice.

IrieStorm 9

Where's the FML? Many breeds of dog were bred to hunt rodents and small animals.

GIJoefan 6

Maybe your dog is a Terrier breed? Many Terriers hunt rodents.

Reminds me of a full-grown Rotten Shepard catching a rat. It squeaked, so I thought it was one of his toys and almost picked it up. FML.

julfunky 29

Let’s clarify something here: The FML isn’t about a dog killing a mouse, it’s about this person grabbing said mouse with his bare hands. Let’s stop with the “where’s the FML” nonsense — touching a dead critter when you’re not expecting to sucks. I know.