By Anonymous - 23/05/2017 14:00

Today, I went on a date after months of rejection and loneliness. Everything was going great until my date argued with me over the correct way to pronounce my name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 168
You deserved it 319

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Druu 53

Well clearly your name is pronounced "Uh-non-nuh-MOOSE."

"You wanna go to war Balake? Cause we could go to war. I'm for real, I'm for real."


Druu 53

Well clearly your name is pronounced "Uh-non-nuh-MOOSE."

ohsnapword 21

No way, it's "ah-non-nuh-miss".

Maybe it started off as light flirting before she got competitive over who was right? I hope you have a better second date!

"You wanna go to war Balake? Cause we could go to war. I'm for real, I'm for real."

What is your name? kinda hard to know if this is an FYI or YDI without knowing that bit of information

How could this be a ydi? it's their name if anyone knows how to pronounce it it's OP

Druu 53

Ok, Mike Crew, what relevance does OP's name have? Presumably he/she would know how to pronounce it for the simple reason the IT HAS BEEN HIS/HER NAME FOR YEARS.

kelardy 11

I would've just said 'Dude it's My name. I've had it All of my life and this is how I pronounce my name and that's how I want others to pronounce it as well. If you can't handle that then I guess we aren't meant to be'

That's when you say, "Aaaaand we're done here."