All kinds of wrong

By Anonymous - 16/06/2020 14:01

Today, while at my friend's house, she had to leave the room for a few minutes. Her dad then put me in a headlock and told me that I had "better treat his daughter right if I ever wanted to walk again," because she's in love with me. Then he left. I'm a gay guy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 787
You deserved it 185

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would have said, "Wtf? Let go of me - she's just a friend and I'm gay!" Those kind of misunderstandings are best cleared up immediately. Better clear it up with your friend too in case she really is in love with you and it's not just the dad's misconception.

ojoRojo 27

Does your friend know you’re gay? Because apparently she needs to know


Looks like you're going to "convert." And if you're writing an FML about being manhandled by an older man, you're probably not that gay anyways.

xXPikachuXx 21

this is probably one of the most ignorant comments I've seen you post, and I've seen a lot of your comments.

You've read a lot of my comments and still take me seriously? C'mon, man!

I would have said, "Wtf? Let go of me - she's just a friend and I'm gay!" Those kind of misunderstandings are best cleared up immediately. Better clear it up with your friend too in case she really is in love with you and it's not just the dad's misconception.

ojoRojo 27

Does your friend know you’re gay? Because apparently she needs to know