By Anonymous - 12/01/2016 21:03 - United States - Newport

Today, my father contacted me for the first time in years to ask about my upcoming wedding, and possibly walking me down the aisle. He claimed the only reason he left was because he thought I'd be gay. I am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 857
You deserved it 2 172

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What an asshole. Someone like that doesn't deserve to walk you down the aisle. I hope you have a beautiful wedding with people who really care about you

Don't give him the time of day by letting him walk you down the isle when he deliberately chose to stay out of your life. Good luck with the wedding and congrats!


What an asshole. Someone like that doesn't deserve to walk you down the aisle. I hope you have a beautiful wedding with people who really care about you

the only solution is to divorce your dad

Op shouls invite him and just get him real pissed

Don't give him the time of day by letting him walk you down the isle when he deliberately chose to stay out of your life. Good luck with the wedding and congrats!

That is drama you so do not need at your wedding!

He doesn't deserve to be in your life then

I say you should agree just to see the look on his face when he walks you down the aisle towards your gay partner >:D Congrats, btw! Hope you'll have a wonderful wedding! :D

I thought the same thing but weddings are stressful enough already... No need to add the drama of the homophobic asshole absentee dad on top of it all. Enjoy your special day OP! Be glad you found your someone special. That's great for you both! Best of luck to the new spouses :)

leogachi 15

Bluntly tell him that he hasn't done anything to earn the privilege of walking you down the aisle.

Your "father" shouldn't have left in the first place. Especially for an excuse like that. Don't let him ruin your special day. Have a wonderful wedding and congratulations!