Scribble your name across my heart…

By Jennie - 16/06/2020 08:08

Today, I sent a guy in my English class a rose. He's kind of an outcast, so I though it would be a nice gesture. I asked him later how his day was going and he said, "Good. I got a rose this morning, but I could tell it was from a guy. The handwriting was awful." FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 576
You deserved it 345

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ojoRojo 27

Then you say, “nah it was from me, my handwriting just sucks.” No big deal!

Well, you had good intentions, but I think that was a pretty strange gesture. I mean, a rose has a strong romantic connotation (I hope it was yellow, at least ^^') so as a 'pity gift' it's really weird. Two things could happen here : believing it was a prank (that would have been my first thought too) ; getting his hopes up that someone wants to go out with him, which doesn't seem to be your intention (and is thus pretty cruel). Wjy didn't you just go talk to him like a normal person? ^^'


Also, it was a rose. What guy wants a rose? You know nothing about men! You wanna land a fella, send him some food!

coius 23

Im a guy. I love roses and was thrilled when I was given roses. They smell great and look beautiful. And before you go claiming a derogatory remark about my manhood, I have a wife and am happily married to her. Guys can appreciate sentiment and beauty too. We aren’t all neanderthal cavemen.

No, roses are nice, but, c'mon, you wouldn't rather have had your favorite food?

Sometimes people are outcasts for good reason. You don't want to be friends with someone who jumps to wild conclusions like that anyway, OP.

ojoRojo 27

Then you say, “nah it was from me, my handwriting just sucks.” No big deal!

Well, you had good intentions, but I think that was a pretty strange gesture. I mean, a rose has a strong romantic connotation (I hope it was yellow, at least ^^') so as a 'pity gift' it's really weird. Two things could happen here : believing it was a prank (that would have been my first thought too) ; getting his hopes up that someone wants to go out with him, which doesn't seem to be your intention (and is thus pretty cruel). Wjy didn't you just go talk to him like a normal person? ^^'