Alexa, play "Cannonball" by The Breeders

By Anonymous - 18/05/2020 17:00

Today, I was getting frisky with my husband under the covers in bed. My son decided to run into our room and cannonball on top of my husband. This startled him, which caused him to bite me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 597
You deserved it 309

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is a YDI. Lock the bedroom door. I don’t care how horny the wife is, I always lock the bedroom door, even when the kids are not home.


This is a YDI. Lock the bedroom door. I don’t care how horny the wife is, I always lock the bedroom door, even when the kids are not home.

rotflqtms_ 21

Earlierx I would have called it a YDI...but I just moved to a place where the doors don't have locks. The only door with a lock is the outside door.

Is it normal to have locks on bedroom doors, where you guys are from? It's rare to have locks on bedroom doors in UK...unless you install them yourself, which in itself is rare. No idea where OP is from though.

lifeis4me 20

Yeah, you gotta lock your doors. It sounds like your son is small, so he won’t think to knock before walking in 99% of the time

Next time lock the door. Or put one of those door wedges under it if your interior doors don't have locks.