Admit it

By Rick - 02/10/2023 08:00

Today, I went to my colleague’s apartment so we could talk about a project for work over dinner. One thing led to another and the sexual tension we couldn’t unleash at work for months got to the best of us. It was the best sex I ever had and I want to come back for more. I just wish I didn’t have a wife at home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 124
You deserved it 1 256

Same thing different taste

Top comments

number 1 rule of being married is don't put yourself in those positions dinner to work on a project. please you wanted it to happen

Tell your wife, she will probably leave you = problem solved. F*ck her life.


L0life29 6

yup….trash…..on a different note….what’s your wife’s number?

this isn’t really a YDI or your life sucks moment. you’re just an asshole for cheating.