Romantic mood

By Anonymous - 16/10/2019 02:00

Today, I rushed home because my wife called to let me know she was feeling horny for the first time after getting over a bad flu. I walked in the door and surprise surprise, her sister had called round, wanting sympathy after her latest fuck buddy dumped her. Romantic mood ruined. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 192
You deserved it 202

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Obviously, the term "f*ck buddy" doesn't mean what the SIL thinks that it means....

You have a dirty fantasy ... somehow I like it.


The women don't need to touch each other. They both seem like they have healthy libidos, so why not share the love amongst the three of them. The ladies get some sexy time, and OP gets to brag about it to his buds over a few beers.

neverfind 20

And she decided you were a good replacement? Oh god, that’s wrong on so many levels.

bl3ur0z3 17

So be a good buddy to your sister in law and give her what she needs.

Obviously, the term "f*ck buddy" doesn't mean what the SIL thinks that it means....