Great timing

By letdown - 19/07/2020 14:01

Today, I finally had sex with a coworker I’d been flirting with for nearly 2 and half years. The sex lasted less than 2 and a half minutes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 595
You deserved it 719

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What a stud! That beats my record by 90 secs.


What a stud! That beats my record by 90 secs.

Despite the symbol I'm seeing on the app, I'm guessing the OP is female. For a guy, speed sex gives us the same number of orgasms as dragging it out using edging. At least you have 12-1/2 minutes left on your lunch break.

BigSissy 14

Richard, you really crack me up!

BigSissy 14

Richard, you really crack me up!

tounces7 27

Yeah guys don't last long when it's been a long time. So don't expect much actual fulfillment from one night stands other than another trophy.

Yeah probably a fluke. Honestly better than the alternative and good indicator that he really likes you.

Hamster8 1

I can go at least 5-6 rounds honestly

voodoo66 5

get back on that horse and go for another round