Acting out

By itsgotime - 20/03/2009 06:11 - United States

Today, I was running to my car, slipped, and slammed my head on the car door. I started driving to the hospital because it was bleeding profusely and I was dizzy, I called my mom to tell her what had happened. She said I was grounded for "goofing off" and that she was "sick of my shit". FML
I agree, your life sucks 98 337
You deserved it 7 901

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Capybara 0

If this is true, then you really could have endangered a lot of people. What if you had passed out and swerved into a neighbor's yard or something? Still, I agree. Your mom is a bitch.


you should drive if your leaking blood out of you head an getting dizzy and if she's sick of your shit your probably kind of a f uck head anyways so you deserve this

alwaysalady 0

Once i could drive grounding went out the window....poor you

Ahhem 0

Unless you were in the middle of the wilderness, choosing to drive while bleeding profusely from your head is inexcusably retarded.

u shouldnt have tried driving while you were's extremely could have passed out at the wheel and hurt who knows how many people. but..your mom was a little harsh

your mommy told u that u were grounded? who kind of parent grounds their kid at the age of their 20's

hahaha! mom's are supposed to be a pain in the butt. it's their job!

Wow, your mom is a bitch. I hope she changes her mind when she sees the stitches. But, I agree with everyone else, you shouldn't have been driving. You could have blacked out at the wheel and killed yourself or someone else.

cantth1nk0fnam3 3

that's why you never tell your parents when something bad happens. you can never trust them.

it amazes me that so many parents are such assholes to their kids.... but whoa, that's what 911 is for, girl! you could've passed out and slammed into other cars!!

musicsnob79 0

LOL Your mom sucks. I'm clutzy myself, so I sympathize, but next time, at least get someone else to drive you to the hospital!