Acting out

By itsgotime - 20/03/2009 06:11 - United States

Today, I was running to my car, slipped, and slammed my head on the car door. I started driving to the hospital because it was bleeding profusely and I was dizzy, I called my mom to tell her what had happened. She said I was grounded for "goofing off" and that she was "sick of my shit". FML
I agree, your life sucks 98 337
You deserved it 7 901

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Capybara 0

If this is true, then you really could have endangered a lot of people. What if you had passed out and swerved into a neighbor's yard or something? Still, I agree. Your mom is a bitch.


I would give you the benefit of doubt but you should have called 911.

NigeI 1

Sounds like something my mom would do too. I feel for ya

sceptic 1

Moms don't just say that. It was most likely well deserved! Also, all of you spineless assholes, where do you get off calling someone's mother a bitch???

jabs98 1

What is wrong with FML people?! They post the stupidest crap ever sometimes. I admit, some are really funny and some are super sad, but really? Do you guys have a family that cares? All i see is put down and parents being jack-asses all the time, that's not how it is!:( Sorry:(

The_9th_Doctor 18

Op why would you drive and endanger lives when you're feeling dizzy?

Why the hell would you drive with a head injury? Especially if you see blood. Like am I right?

I wonder how she felt after hearing the truth