By sicko - 07/11/2018 18:30 - Egypt

Today, while my 8-year-old was at school, I got a call saying that he shat and peed himself and then attacked a girl with his shit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 280
You deserved it 365

Top comments

Take him to see a psychologist. That kid has issues.

Yeah, that's not normal. You might want to get him to a therapist.


Take him to see a psychologist. That kid has issues.

Yeah, that's not normal. You might want to get him to a therapist.

Somehow a school shooting seems a little less bad.

randybryant799 20

is that supposed to be funny? it's not.

It took you two months to come up with that?

At 4 years old, I can understand him just being a kid. At 8, for this kind of thing, psychology should be mandatory.

Special needs or not, he has issues if he finds that acceptable behavior.

ViviMage 38

There is a good chance he KNOWS it is unacceptable behavior, but it's a girl and he is like any other school bully, attack the girls in his life to put them beneath him. I've been beaten in the head with a baseball bat, bullies ruined my bike, hit me with a super soaker with boiling water inside it... and when I skinned my knee to the bone, no one raised a finger to help with first aid.

Veroswen 3

I kinda had to parent my little brothers, because my mom has mental issues. The youngest is ten years younger than me. One time when I was 15 i got a call saying he had pooped himself. So I went to the school. Turns out not only did he pop he kept it in his pants. While walking up some stairs it rolled out of his pants. I was immediately concerned about his peers view of him. He didn't really care, which boggled my mind. Basically I'm saying I could see being so embarrassed that he would act out like that. I cant honestly say i wouldn't have. Should be punished though.

He weaponized the most useless element out there. The child is at the very least creative.

Have you considered teaching him civilized behavior?

redlizzybeth 25

Maybe he had an explosive accident and then she teased him making him freak out and he tried to attack her. He needs supportive care and love. He most likely needs medical intervention. Start with his primary care doctor.