Acting out

By itsgotime - 20/03/2009 06:11 - United States

Today, I was running to my car, slipped, and slammed my head on the car door. I started driving to the hospital because it was bleeding profusely and I was dizzy, I called my mom to tell her what had happened. She said I was grounded for "goofing off" and that she was "sick of my shit". FML
I agree, your life sucks 98 337
You deserved it 7 901

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Capybara 0

If this is true, then you really could have endangered a lot of people. What if you had passed out and swerved into a neighbor's yard or something? Still, I agree. Your mom is a bitch.


Maybe your mum needs a good shagging?

Could you hear the wine glass distort the sound of her voice as she spoke across the top of it into the phone? "Gee mom, I know you say it helps your hot flashes, but it's seven thirty in the morrning" #12 you're a douchebag and you can't even spell a word that was correctly spelled in the subject on which you are speaking, spend less time touching your own pair, go outside, get some air and be constructive... you ******* chronic masturbator

To be honest this is probably a case of the boy who cried wolf too many times. You shouldn't drive if you have just received a head injury... If it's really bad call an ambulance and if not get someone to pick you up!

carnage1106 0

your pic is so lame I couldn't focus enough to read your comment

Driving after gashing your head open is a very stupid thing. You should've called 911 and gotten an ambulance. Your mom's still a bitch, though.

@12: Then slit your wrists, you will become Superman.

You probably should have called 911, but your mom is a total bitch. I hope you're okay.

Ha. That kinda shit's happened to me too except I went to the hospital and the doctor didn't know what to do so he sent me home and I bled like a pint into a towel going home. Dame dizzy shit. I was passin' out.

2legit2quitnow 0

#3...can my mom come?? a year ago i was staying at my parents house for xmas and i was dating a guy who played professional paintball, (wtf right?) he was coming back from a game in Kentucky, and we live in indiana...him and 2 of his teamates were in a wreck. so i drove to KY to see him at the hospital. my mom freaked out and told me there was no accident. weird thing is, one of the kids died, i went to the funeral, it was in the paper, and she STILL wouldnt admit she was wrong for what she said.

Your mom is a BITCH! You get a freaking head injury and your grounded. Where is the LOGIC?!