Acting out

By itsgotime - 20/03/2009 06:11 - United States

Today, I was running to my car, slipped, and slammed my head on the car door. I started driving to the hospital because it was bleeding profusely and I was dizzy, I called my mom to tell her what had happened. She said I was grounded for "goofing off" and that she was "sick of my shit". FML
I agree, your life sucks 98 337
You deserved it 7 901

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Capybara 0

If this is true, then you really could have endangered a lot of people. What if you had passed out and swerved into a neighbor's yard or something? Still, I agree. Your mom is a bitch.


well i would love to know the pranks that you pull on her to make you think youre lying. but what the hell were you thinking driving yourself to the hospitol? its called 9-1-1. you couldve killed yourself and others. obviously you arent invincible. and if you would have gotten into an accident people could sue you and you family for everything they own and all their assests. im glad you are willing to bet your family's possesions on something that you could've easily called for an ambulance.

KendraTaylor 0

wow, my mom is exactly the same. if she finds out obama is the anti christ, im grounded?

Ok no offense but why would u be driving AND on the cellphone while dizzy and bleeding? but ya, that really sucks what ur mom said.

mehwhateverr 0

i don't believe you deserve what happened, but why were you driving while bleeding and dizzy?

Well I'm going to say the same as everyone else here but definitely not smart driving in that state you were in.

The OP doesn't say anywhere that he/she was talking on the phone while driving, so let's not assume that. @OP, i'm sure you could have asked anyone around to give you a ride to the hospital. An ambulance bill is really expensive, but so are the lives of others. But I forgive you because you probably had some impaired judgment. Now you know.

Do you normally goof around, telling her crazy shit that isn't true? Either way, hope you're doing ok.