By stelno - 18/06/2009 13:33 - United States

Today, my wife and I were out with another couple we're friends with. When we went back to their house we looked at old pictures. They showed us a great picture, and I said "It would've been a lot better if that fat chick didn't ruin it in the background." It was the woman from the couple. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 673
You deserved it 64 628

Same thing different taste

Top comments

happygoluckyhh 0

Why say anything? It could've been her sister or friend...either way you should not have been a rude ass. Common sense isn't brain surgery.

TNEBlover 0


smiley_girl 0

yeah, I meen it'd be rude even if neither you nor them knew who she was.

ndanick 4

your just rude.. Im from mich too yay us

easylazy 0

I don't think it's rude, or embarrassing for that matter because she is obviously much skinnier now or else the OP would have realized it was her right away. I think the OP's life is ****** because he had to sit through a dumb slideshow of some fat girl's trip to some random country 20 years ago.

#63: Wow...way to read into the situation way too much. The OP didn't say anything about a trip, or 20 years ago, just that they were some "old pictures" and actually called the picture in question a "great picture." Go with the information posted, don't create a scenario in your head.

easylazy 0

No I think by "great picture" he means it was in a great place, like the Taj Mahal or something And it had to be like 20 years ago because the OP would have recognized the person if it was recent. And in my opinion, every slideshow is boooooooring

VampireKiller59 0

if its in a picture they probably know the "fat chick"

TNEBlover 0

#2 what a fail...what a fail and OP, to you to, sir - what a fail

dinosaursmoo 0
TanzWolf 26

She might have lost a lot of weight. Who knows.

Yeah don't worry. You see that alot in movies.

happygoluckyhh 0

Why say anything? It could've been her sister or friend...either way you should not have been a rude ass. Common sense isn't brain surgery.

Yeah let's assume it's a man.. I don't think women really care about whether other women are fat or not.. Right?

I'm all for the feminist movement, but I think the phrase "my wife and I" was a hint.

You must be kidding about women not caring if other women are fat.

#44...You fail..I was assuming that by saying "my wife and I" was a hint as to the gender of the OP. Way to throw your useless two cents in about gender.

Ashleyxphobia 0

YDI. Why would you say something that rude in the first place?

Thats really ******* rude, especially being guest in their house. YDI.

You're incredibly immature, YDI. You're a man, not a kid, grow up.