You're barred

By sarahhbear - 17/11/2012 06:42 - United States - Bryan

Today, my older brother thought it would be hilarious to sneak up and scare me in the grocery aisle at the store. I screamed and jumped, knocking half the shelf's contents all over the floor. We're now banned from the only grocery store in town. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 120
You deserved it 3 198

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aisle tell you one thing: you should've gone all by your shelf. You should check-out the other possibilities in your local area.

That's harsh. Hopefully you can convince them to let you back in soon!


KM96 24

Oh well that's unexpected ... They could at least of banned you for a week! Not forever!!

Evilpirate 10
aLiZa_kRiSaNdA 0

I dated a girl once that was nicknamed Sarahbear and moved to Texas about the same time and also had older brothers....coincidence or...

BloodyGlass 10

Well, once you explain it was your asshole of a brother who did it, I'm certain they'll only ban him, because he caused the problem, you were just a victim of his shit.