You rang?

By thathurt500x - 26/06/2020 20:08

Today, my boyfriend's tooth got caught on my nipple ring and ripped it out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 000
You deserved it 570

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Marcella1016 31

I really thought they were supposed to enhance pleasure, no? Maybe avoid big rings and stick to the little barbells in certain places. But removing them totally I think would defeat the purpose. Then again removing the whole nipple defeats the purpose too so...rock and a hard place there sorry OP


bobsanction 18

There's no winner in that fight.

bloopaloop 27
tounces7 27

Yeah certain jewelry should always be removed before sex, and any sort of nipple or genital piercings are among that group.

Aren't they supposed to heighten the pleasure during foreplay? I mean imagine the hassle of having to remove your piercings before sex, plus the hassle of putting on a condom... you're gonna lose wood pretty quickly.

Marcella1016 31

I really thought they were supposed to enhance pleasure, no? Maybe avoid big rings and stick to the little barbells in certain places. But removing them totally I think would defeat the purpose. Then again removing the whole nipple defeats the purpose too so...rock and a hard place there sorry OP

hilamonster 14

All I have to say is ouch! ouch! ouch!

that's why you should use studs instead of a ring on your nipples anything can get caught and you know it hurts like hell considering how sensitive they are after you pierce em trust me I should know

OUCH! OMG that made me cringe so hard! I would say YDI for having a nipple ring and not removing it before sex, but I'm still shuddering at the thought of that pain. All I can think of is the scene in Bride of Chucky where Chucky ripped the goth guy's lip ring out and blood went EVERYWHERE. I can only imagine how bloody this situation was.

J15237 25

The tooth or the ring? Both suck but I would feel worse if your nipple ring was ripped out. BTW its really sexy that you have your nipples pierced in my opinion.