Wrap it up

By Anonymous - 12/02/2020 14:00 - United States

Today, my 15 year-old girlfriend called to tell me she is pregnant. Her dad is ex-military, and makes a point of cleaning his guns every time I go to her house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 212
You deserved it 109 327

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Op should've taken some of his girlfriend birth control just to be extra safe.


hewdud 0

your too young for that shit! birth control and condoms! your so screwed, FYL

BeastMode5 0

Wrap it before you tap it. Your picture is also pretty sad... =/

Struggs 2

Damn, good luck with that one. But honestly, you're a dumb ass for not using protection. And so is she for letting you..

witchdoctor1 9

naturally you assume he wasn't wearing any... condoms break you know. maybe they where both inexperienced and couldn't tell... don't doubt it's possible it ripped or there was a hole...

KVKdragon 26

if your girlfriend does have the child but doesn't want to keep it, please remind her that there's always adoption agencies available for her to visit.

coffeeandcream 8

that's why you use protection my friend. your life is now ruined.

That is if he's lucky. If the father has his way, OP will be ****** over and over again.

TalkinSmack 6

once he finds out, he's going to invite you out for a "hunting accident"

YDI. if your both 15, then you should have used protection or just NOT DONE IT AT ALL! well, I guess it's too late for that, so good luck. or should I say, RIP.

Starrysky8687 1

You're only 16, who are you to comment? Lmfao...

KellyIsTheBest32 12

cause she's 16 and NOT having sex.

jeanaj 0

dear I'm-15-and-my-profile-pic-is-of-carebears, there's probably a reason ur not having sex and it's not by choice. just sayin..

it's because my name Cara and carebear is my nickname.

jeanaj 0

don't matter what ur nickname is. what I said is probably pretty accurate.

and if my name had nothing to do with carebears, who cares? Carebears are the shit. :D

jeanaj 0

wow. that's all I have to say.

jeanaj 0

nah, i like pissing you off. :)

DontHateAppricia 0