Wrap it up

By Anonymous - 12/02/2020 14:00 - United States

Today, my 15 year-old girlfriend called to tell me she is pregnant. Her dad is ex-military, and makes a point of cleaning his guns every time I go to her house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 212
You deserved it 109 327

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Op should've taken some of his girlfriend birth control just to be extra safe.


you deserve it. oh and by the way you're screwed.

stepymac 15
SteelCladAngel 0

just FYI for everyone suing 'birth control dumbass' I managed to get pregnant while taking the pill every day at the same time and never missing a day. birthcontrol can fail

Sex at 15 is more of the problem! If you're not mature enough to deal with the potential outcome, you're not mature enough to be doing it in the first place!!!

lmaoatall 6

you're seeing alot of birth control comments, but that doesn't help you now. run like hell and go hide. you're on the right track keeping your location anonymous. don't feel bad if you shit yourself when he shows up with those guns in hand.

mandaboooo 0

15! No protection, way to go dude!

lulu121893 0

how stupid can younger kids be? it's called a condom idiot. especially for her it's called birth control .

You should probably flee the country, but that might not save you either. To the clinic it is!

FreebirdIII 1

congratulations you now will be giving her your checks for child support for the next 18+ years. time for you to join the military too, that way you can clean your guns when your daughter turns 15, and repeat the cycle.

now u get to be on 16 and pregnant tv show

I'm not gonna say it isn't his fault, cause he should know better, but it takes both a penis and a ****** to make a baby so unless he raped her which I imagine he didn't she has just as much fault as he in this situation