Wild Child

By epic flash - 02/10/2017 20:00

Today, my daughter's quirkiness and eccentricities may have gone to a whole new level when her school faculty described her as "no stranger to LSD". She's 5. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 098
You deserved it 277

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You do not say “no stranger to LSD” about a 5 yr old child. There is not a 5 year old anywhere in the world who does not have eccentric habits. If a child has an issue, you say “mr parent, your child has this problem in school...” not saying the child acts like they are on illicit drugs. Again, unprofessional conduct on that person.

Donut_Wizard 23

Is her name Lucy? And does she like diamonds?


Having a young child that's already extremely gifted and unique isn't a bad thing OP. Public schools often find children troublesome when they refuse to conform to their standards. Let her freak flag fly.

If any school official ever said that about my child, that school official would be called out at the next board meeting and I would demand they be fired. That is unprofessional

Teacher don't say things like that about a child unless there is a serious problem with the child's behaviour. Ignoring that in favor of punishing the teacher is just bad parenting

You do not say “no stranger to LSD” about a 5 yr old child. There is not a 5 year old anywhere in the world who does not have eccentric habits. If a child has an issue, you say “mr parent, your child has this problem in school...” not saying the child acts like they are on illicit drugs. Again, unprofessional conduct on that person.

Yeah, but demanding they be fired? That's one hell of an overreaction.

awildwhisper 30

When it comes to kids, bet your ass I am a joy to be around. I have seen too many teachers say stuff like the OP went through, and get away with it, no questions asked by the school. My 10 yr old son's teacher once told him to "sit down and shut the **** up" in the middle of class, when all he was doing was correcting her because she was wrong. You think I accepted it quietly? Nope, she got herself a 5 day vacation without pay, and there is no way in hell I will ever allow a teacher to be unprofessional around my kids and get away with it.

Demanding that the teacher is fired is not in proportion to the misconduct. For the same reason pickpockets aren't sentanced to life in prison. An apology would be in order in this case since it is fair to assume that the teacher wasn't actually suspecting the child to be on drugs and rather used the term as a description of the childs behaviour.

Donut_Wizard 23

Is her name Lucy? And does she like diamonds?

Does she picture herself on a boat on a river

"Quirkiness and eccentricities" is usually parent code for, "My kid has ADHD or worse and I am in denial."

boopingsnoot 24

When I was in Preschool, there were apparently several years where I only responded to my full title, which was 8 sylables and had the words "cat" and "superhero" and none of my actual name

So, you were in preschool for several years?

exileonmainst 16

Does she have kaleidoscope eyes?

I'm wondering if LSD stands for something else. Like the school has a term that's acronym just happens to be the same as a nickname for acid. Like LSD also stands for least significant difference in statistics.

boopingsnoot 24

Dafuq does that even mean???

Natasha Kinnear 9

Well hide your stash better next time.

Quit using such big words...you are making my head hurt

To that one asshat that thumbs down everything I post: I was referencing a previous FML someone else had posted earlier this week.