What's that?

By Best-stuf-on-Earth - 12/07/2009 07:07 - United States

Today, I had a check-up with my dermatologist. When I took off my pants, she noticed a small mark on my penis and was concerned. I had to inform her that it was not in fact a mole, but a bruise from getting it stuck in a Snapple bottle two days prior to the check-up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 358
You deserved it 78 407

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wow I dont know if I should feel sorry for you or if I should laugh at your stupidity? and random sidenote how small are you that you can weasel into the mouth of a snapple bottle?


terriibabiiix23 0

where you peeing in the snapple bottle ?! lmfao.

You have a big dick if you could get it stuck in a Snapple.

So you had your dick in a Snapple bottle because?

....... a snapple bottle................

wouldn't it be easier ( and less painful) to just use a sock? ydi.

KrazyKatLady 0

seriously? You know they have a song about that you know.... "wienie in a bottle;" look it up dude....... ydi. although i have to give you credit you didn't have to call 911.

moms_mistake 2

too late now but you realize you could've just said it was bruised and leave it at that. let her use her imagination and maybe she'll imagine your not such a weird perv

monkeydan122 0