Weird flex, but OK

By incestastic - 14/08/2010 23:23 - Canada

Today, one of my mum's dinner guests walked in on me and my boyfriend kissing, only to let out a horrified scream. Apparently, my mum had introduced my boyfriend as her son, as she's embarrassed of my real brother. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 469
You deserved it 3 067

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Arsonnist 3

So... your brother was supposed to be your boyfriend? Or is he just the random kid that breaks in every now and then?

perfectlybrokenx 0

F her real sons life, maybe? :|


F your brother's life. And your Mom, who is clearly a crazy woman unfit to raise children.

loveurlifeJK 5

I cringed at "me and my boyfriend". "My boyfriend and me" is correct.

Wrong, its "My boyfriend and I were kissing" Double fail.

Thats hilarious, at least she likes your BF. Canadia isnt a real country anyway...........

TheWayILovedYou 0

That's not that bad. All you had to do was explain. Not FML worthy.

YDI for spelling it mum while being Canadian.

HockeyLax55 0

if only you were banging him.....

thats not an FML. thats more like FHL. at least your not the one ashamed by your mom.

what does your real brother look like?

CoolStoryBrahhx 0

Your mom deserved it, f*ck yours and your brothers lives.

That's disgusting, what an idiot mom you have Fyl