
By Annie - 31/08/2011 03:17 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I had sex for the first time. Two minutes in, he goes, "Wow, this is strenuous" and stopped. I waited three years for this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 793
You deserved it 5 285

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Poor guy just needed and excuse for his premature ejaculation...


I think he busted early and just made up an excuse to stop.

Seriously? Is this guy in that poor of condition? Fat slug or what? He must get worn out just pushing out a loaf.

It took him 3 years to get you in bed?!?!

Waiting is a bullshit religious belief. It's just sex people.

ReynshineCutting 10

It is NOT just sex. I won't even bring religion into it but I will still go off on you. If you think it's all mindless ******* for pleasure, you have no clue what it's about. There's a deeper emotional connection that makes it special. Sure sometimes you do it to get off but when you're in a serious relationship it's about the emotional connection more often than the ******. It's sad you've never experienced it but you might never get to with your way of thinking.

That's what *you* believe sex is. I believe sex is just sex; whether you add an emotional dimension to it or not is up to you. Indeed I enjoy it more when there's a strong connection, but the connection does not stem from the sex, but from the extreme trust you put in someone you love; kind of like how a kiss on the neck is more intimate than one on the cheek. (One is safe, the other show great trust). Sex means something different to everyone, so climb down from them high horses!

ilikepieandpie 11

I have to agree. I know that there can be an emotional thing if you want it to be, but if you just want sex, then that's what it'll be. The one above shouldn't be so up tight about it. Although, their virgin status probably explains their view.