
By Annie - 31/08/2011 03:17 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I had sex for the first time. Two minutes in, he goes, "Wow, this is strenuous" and stopped. I waited three years for this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 793
You deserved it 5 285

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Poor guy just needed and excuse for his premature ejaculation...


KiddFlash 0

Usually it's the guy waiting that long

wow, two minutes, at least he lasted that long! :D

NinaTatianna 9

Thats soo awful. I hope my first time doesnt turn out like that!!! :O

ilikepieandpie 11

I could help you with that ;)

NERRRRRRRRRD! Real sorry about that OP, some guys are douches who can't be bothered to think of their partners needs and prepare/act accordingly.

well if you guys ever break up at least he wont be making anyone else happy haha

YDI for waiting that long...you get so attached to someone only to find the sex is TERRIBLE :(