
By Annie - 31/08/2011 03:17 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I had sex for the first time. Two minutes in, he goes, "Wow, this is strenuous" and stopped. I waited three years for this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 793
You deserved it 5 285

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Poor guy just needed and excuse for his premature ejaculation...


moninbg 8

2 minutes in heaven is better than one minute in heaven

You're dating the lazy ass, you deserve it. Maybe next time you should put in the effort to find a guy that doesn't find sex strenuous.

Can you come help I think she's a 2 man job!

creedaddict 9

Then get to riding that boloney pony sista

YDI for waiting three years. Next time try three dates.

deemoneyy 3

Thank you. They think it's so easy when all they got to do is lay there and get pounded. 2 minutes of hardcore hip pumping after not doing it for three years and I'd be tired too.

kewpiesuicide 29

Have you ever been on top? That shit IS strenuous! Being a lesbian, I can honestly say that I've been in the 'man' position and I was quite suprised how much harder it is. Give him a break and saddle up cowgirl

It's obvious that he either "came" or realized he likes guys...sorry to hear, fyl. :(