By Anonymous - 25/08/2018 06:00

Today, I was engaged in intercourse with my fiancée when her dog decided take a loud dump in front of the fan that was pointed at us. Needless to say, intercourse ended very abruptly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 004
You deserved it 348

Same thing different taste

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People really don't seem to care when their pets are in the same room as them while they're having sex, yet stories like this, and one I remember reading about a guy who was attacked by his girlfriend's cat, leaving his junk looking like Freddy Krueger gave him a hand job, aren't enough of a deterrent for people to shut their pets out of the room for 5 minutes.


People really don't seem to care when their pets are in the same room as them while they're having sex, yet stories like this, and one I remember reading about a guy who was attacked by his girlfriend's cat, leaving his junk looking like Freddy Krueger gave him a hand job, aren't enough of a deterrent for people to shut their pets out of the room for 5 minutes.

... Only 5 minutes?? Lol Nah but the whining at the door kills the mood before anything even starts imo.

If you know how to train a dog it wont whine at the door. Mine would walk away at a finger snap and go lay on the couch.

Mungolikecandy 19

I'm assuming 4.5 of those minutes are for cleanup.

Zekfen 17

My wife refuses to keep the dogs out of the room or the bed. The whining and barking kills the mood for her and she can’t concentrate. Luckily our current dog has no interest in being in the room and if we start he leaves. Funny story to that though, our previous dog once stuck her cold wet nose in my bum to get a sniff mid thrust. Talk about a mood killer.

julfunky 29

I find it extremely disturbing to have sex with an animal in the room. I don’t want my dogs watching me get pounded.

MannyWasHere 12

Hurry and clean that crap up, then let her know that you have been a good boy and would like your treat now.

Perhaps the dog wanted to fan you with what it thought about the relationship.

Am I the only one who first read "intercourse with dog" and thought what the hell.

I guess the dog isn't a big fan about your relationship.

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Ghetis 396 11

And right after she broke your dick, too. Rough life, OP

A dog who **** blocks you mid-pound deserves a trip to the hound pound

Who the he’ll actually calls it ‘intercourse’ anymore?