A load of hot air

By SkipBeatOtaku - 16/05/2020 20:00

Today, I was having hot sex with my boyfriend. Then, I felt a puff of air hit my face and a rancid smell. My dog had farted in my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 722
You deserved it 700

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Anneisha20 5

Maybe next time don’t have your dog in the room.

I know most of us love our pets, and we don't like keeping them locked away in another room, but letting them wander around freely while you're having sex is asking for something like this to happen. I think I remember reading a post from another user who was going at it, and because he'd left the door open, his dog came in and started licking his asshole. Which is why we lock our doors before we start.


Anneisha20 5

Maybe next time don’t have your dog in the room.

Jillian Cosby-Kelly 15

most people don't plan sex, so doing things like sending a dog out of the room isn't a main concern. be realistic.... when my fiance and I have sex my dogs whereabouts are the least of my concern.

I know most of us love our pets, and we don't like keeping them locked away in another room, but letting them wander around freely while you're having sex is asking for something like this to happen. I think I remember reading a post from another user who was going at it, and because he'd left the door open, his dog came in and started licking his asshole. Which is why we lock our doors before we start.

turnabouttrial 21

fyl to that user. holy shit.

Wait wait wait, how come your dogs ass was that close to your face to feel the puff of air? I mean it’s one thing if your dog was in the room but wow lol.

Doesn’t matter ********** fart ****!