Under my thumb

By Anonymous - 17/04/2023 12:00

Today, I heard my girlfriend refer to me as her “boyfriend for now”, as in the guy she strings along until she meets the guy she loves and wants to marry. We’ve been together for two years and rent a flat together. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 039
You deserved it 123

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dude...show yourself some respect and kick her to curb. Leave her and don't look back. She wants to use you as some sort of blowup doll she can have until she finds someone she specifically wants. You're nothing to her but a ***** she carrys. Leave her ass NOW!

I was in a relationship like that. It broke me down completely. Get out, now! Lick your wounds, and don't look back.


Dude...show yourself some respect and kick her to curb. Leave her and don't look back. She wants to use you as some sort of blowup doll she can have until she finds someone she specifically wants. You're nothing to her but a ***** she carrys. Leave her ass NOW!

I was in a relationship like that. It broke me down completely. Get out, now! Lick your wounds, and don't look back.

Sounds more like you are her bank account and nothing more. Agree with others, you deserve better.