By mee - 11/11/2015 17:10 - United States - Providence

Today, my girlfriend informed me that we aren't officially dating until she changes her Facebook relationship status. We've been "dating" for 3 months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 214
You deserved it 1 873

Same thing different taste

Top comments

UhHuhHoney 20

I've been with my man for almost 7 years. We've never updated our statuses online. I guess it's all been a lie this whole time.

If you're dating a girl who takes "facebook official" that seriously, think about if you really want to date her anyway


Better start winning her over! Or hack her Facebook. Either or

Why? It sounds to me like she's embarrassed to tell people OP is their significant other. (S)He should be with someone who is happy to tell people they're in a relationship.

AkBunny907 18

The Internet makes everything else real, why not relationships as well?

UhHuhHoney 20

I've been with my man for almost 7 years. We've never updated our statuses online. I guess it's all been a lie this whole time.

My relationship status on Facebook isn't updated either, neither is my husband's. Guess I better return my marriage certificate.

Shit, I don't even have a Facebook. Is my whole life a lie?

leogachi 15

@32 Yes. Not having a Facebook means you were never born.

It sucks how many of us live by the rules of Facebook

It sucks that society has devolved to this level. Every time I hear shit like this another little piece of my soul dies.

If you're dating a girl who takes "facebook official" that seriously, think about if you really want to date her anyway

She most likely flirts with a bunch of guys over fb and doesn't want that to stop.

I don't think its for bragging. Though when you are single and have been for awhile, it sure as hell starts to feel like it haha

A07 48

Don't you know OP, the first 3 months is a trial period, nothing official before then